Monday, July 15, 2013

Camp is Over :(

As you can tell by the title, camp is over. It's a very sad moment, but there was a lot that happened before the last day.
These last two weeks have been crazy! From July 4th week to the week after everything has been all over the place. On July 2nd Mrs. Huff came for the pictures and video, but the only thing I wish they would do would be to stay longer. I had really cute moments with the kids without having to make them and I would have loved for them to capture those moments at random during the whole day. July 4th week I only worked two days because I went to my grandparents house for the holiday. However, during those 5 days off I missed my little campers so much. I would catch myself thinking about the Y at random times. It's almost sad how much I enjoy being there.
The last three weeks of the summer camp has been soccer camp. I addressed this change in one of my lasts posts and it came as I thought it would -- HOT. Soccer is an outdoor sport which some of the kids didn't seem to understand. (In all fairness to the kids I was dying in the heat too) It was slightly more annoying than being in basketball camp when we were in the nice cool air-conditioned gym. We definitely enjoyed our indoor breaks and pool time much more during these weeks.
Looking back on camp in general, I loved it. I loved the kids that I got to bond with  (one of whom I became her designated second mother) and I loved the other Y employees that I worked with. The Y in general just gives off  feelings of friendliness, liveliness, and community. I love this Y because it really is a community center unlike some of the other Ys that are more focused on the workout area than the community outreach. The teenagers and the seniors hang out there and everyone gets to know each other and the staff. Gooch my boss for camp especially radiated this feeling of community. I don't think there was one kid that passed by whom he didn't know. It was kind of ridiculous.
One thing I also love about the Y is that I feel really needed when I'm there. I feel like I'm making a big difference in the lives of the kids, but also the lives of the other adults (if that's what I am) that I get to work with. During camp I felt needed being the only girl counselor and dealing with the kids in general. Having a third person there besides the employees the Y has for the camp helps keep it more calm and easy for everybody else. In my intern duties I felt very helpful to Kelly with all the packets and flyers for the Tomato 5K.
Even though this might sound like a farewell to the Y, do not be dismayed -- I still have a few more days and another whole week. :)